Steppenwolf 1700 Theatre–Chicago, IL
Steppenwolf 1700 Theatre is located behind Front Bar
The 1700 Theatre is on the same block as the main Steppenwolf Theatre
1700 North Halsted Street
Chicago, IL, 60614
Info on Parking for all Steppenwolf shows
Steppenwolf 1700 Theatre is located behind Front Bar
The 1700 Theatre is on the same block as the main Steppenwolf Theatre
1700 North Halsted Street
Chicago, IL, 60614
Info on Parking for all Steppenwolf shows
This extraordinary festival of Chicago dance gathers choreographers from across the contemporary spectrum. The Dance Center programs conclude several days of performances, studio showings and discussions across the city. Elevate Chicago Dance is produced by Chicago Dancemakers Forum, the leading area supporter of new dance development.
As the only dance organization to receive the MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions, the Chicago-based company is recognized for its layered choreography, palpable liveness, and socially relevant storytelling—all of which characterize its newest work created by Artistic Director Julia Rhoads and frequent collaborator Leslie Buxbaum Danzig.
NC State LIVE is dedicated to helping artists bring their ambitious visions to the stage. During a week-long residency at NC State LIVE, Lucky Plush Productions receives space, time and technical support to bring Rooming House to life. In Rooming House, the company uses a complex game of whodunit to explore how we use stories to make cases for what we believe in and how we alter perceptions of what is real.
Join us for a live-action game loosely inspired by the board game Clue. Drawing from Rooming House's creation process, Lucky Plush invites participants to "play" a handful of stories with potentially life-changing actions (personal or current event). This on-your-feet game will set in motion playful and profound interpretations of our own and each other's stories: Who has agency around a life-changing even (action taker, affected, witness)? Why do people behave the way they do (fear, guilt, love)?
Door Community Auditorium / Bailey’s Harbor, WI
Mixed Repertory Presentation
June 19, 2017
Door Kinetic Arts Festival / Bailey’s Harbor, WI
Development Residency for Rooming House, June 12-17, 2017
Work-in-progress performances, June 16 & June 17, 2017
Lose Your Marbles / Akron, OH
Cinderbox 2.0 (excerpt)
June 10, 2017
Spring to Dance / St Louis, MO
Cinderbox 2.0 (excerpt)
May 27, 2017
CSU Chico / Chico, California
Trip the Light Fantastic: The Making of SuperStrip
March 25, 2017
Danza Teatro Retazos / Havana, Cuba
Rooming House
Development residency: January 9-14, 2017
Mixed Repertory Presentation: January 14 & 15, 2017
The Joyce Theater / New York, New York
American Dance Platform
Trip the Light Fantastic: The Making of SuperStrip
January 6 & 7, 2017