Meghann WIlkinson

I was diagnosed with scoliosis during college when my shoulder/neck/back pain got to a level that I just couldn’t stand.  I’d be at the ballet barre, arm out in a la seconde, and I could focus on nothing more than the stabbing pain through the right side of my upper body.  

After doing a tiny bit of PT, I was sent on my way to just keep living my life.  And that’s what I’ve been doing!  I’ve had an amazing career with Lucky Plush, and I’ve had a fabulous dance teaching life.  I’ve convinced myself for almost 2 decades that scoliosis is no big deal, and that I can just do everything the way everyone else does- full out and with feeling.  The whole time, though, my back/neck/shoulder pain has been talking to me quite loudly – and as I age, it’s really making itself heard. 

Before the pandemic, when the amazing Jen Gorman started offering Pilates for Scoliosis classes on Zoom, I dealt with pain through chiropractic, massage, and other short-term treatments.  Though so helpful (especially the amazing Dr. Chad at Bucktown Chiropractic), my aging dancing body knew that I had to make some more major shifts.  Starting my weekly practice with Jen has been life-changing.  Not only have I learned so much about how to build strength but I’ve also learned that there are OTHER people with spines like mine!  Jen has introduced me to things like the Schroth Method and so many tools, tips, and tricks for managing pain and creating length and space in my spine.

I feel like I’m just starting to scratch the surface.  As a dance teacher, I’m re-evaluating a lot of the material I’ve been teaching for years and years; I’m beginning to question not only how to continue teaching and demonstrating in a sustainable way, but I’m also questioning what is actually healthy and productive training for ALL spines. 

Through personal research of the work of PTs and scoliosis-focused practitioners, as well as through physical investigation, I aim to identify healthy practices for the dancing spine, through the lenses of both teaching and personal practice/performance.  I plan to continue to work with Jen and also to have conversations with other dancing people who live with scoliosis so that we can swap ideas and build more community around our shared experiences.  My goal is for more longevity, length, and spaciousness for my spine and for all of the spines I’ll be swirling and spinning with in the future.