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 Embodied Research Project

Throughout the pandemic, Lucky Plush engaged our artists through responsive and innovative programming such as Virtual Dance Lab and The Map of Now.

Lucky Plush is investing more deeply in our family of artists through micro-grants to ensemble members and designers, supporting them to undertake solo and collaborative projects that celebrate their unique research interests.  

These projects will also contribute to a growing archive of practice-based research, housed here on this open-source platform that will highlight a range of artistic methods and approaches to interdisciplinary, embodied work.


current projects

Erin Kilmurray & Kara Brody | Knockout


Past awardees

Melinda Jean Myers | Right Here

Leslie Buxbaum, Erin McKeown, & David Levin | OUT HERE

Melinda Myers & Kurt Chiang

Kara Brody & Ali Lorenz

Bethany Clearfield

Michael Caskey

Liviu Pasare

Meghann Wilkinson

Zac Whittenburg | Trillium Residency

Liz Luse & Michel Rodriguez Cintra

A. Raheim White